Stay safe online with Microsoft Autofill

Be the only one to access your data

All Microsoft Autofill data is encrypted on both your device and the cloud when synced across devices. As an added measure of security, customers who autofill passwords or payment info with Authenticator will need to verify their identity using bio gestures. This ensures that only the rightful owner of the device can access and autofill passwords and payment info.
All new passwords are generated using an enterprise-grade password generation algorithm and have built-in randomness. Consequently, they’re difficult to guess and don’t follow any patterns or words, making them nearly immune to brute-force attacks.

Our goal is to help our customers safeguard their digital life and access their data in a simple, more secure manner. Your feedback can help us make Autofill even better, so please take this short survey to tell us about things we can improve on and help us choose what to work on next.

Get Microsoft Autofill

Microsoft Authenticator

Microsoft Autofill Chrome Extension

Anand Balachandran
Principal Group Product Manager
Microsoft Mobile and Cross Devices

News Article Courtesy Of Anand Balachandran »