You need a VPN to stay safe online, and we’ve got one for life that’s just $34

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  • Posted in Tech News
  • 2 mins read

So…the presidents of the U.S. and Russia want to initiate a world cybersecurity task force. Its goal: thwarting web-based threats on a global scale.

Let’s assess this idea for a moment. At best, it may take a while for an internationally-administered body to stamp out every last scam and cretin hiding behind every cyber-rock and digital bush. At worst…well, it’s maybe best not to think about what a global cybersecurity cabal may think up.

It’s probably still your best bet to just handle the safeguarding of your digital systems and information yourself. For any tech-savvy user, that still means a VPN (virtual private network), so get in on one of the web’s most respected services with a lifetime of VPN Unlimited. It’s currently more than 90 percent off, only $34 with coupon code “DIGITALWEEK15” from TNW Deals.

With literally dozens of companies hocking digital security protection, VPN Unlimited earned top rated reviews last year from sources like PC Mag, Software Informer, and Laptop Review Pro. That’s a level of confidence and trust that isn’t easy to come by in a field packed with flighty VPN options.

With VPN Unlimited, you’ve got an iron-clad path to the web that’s completely hidden, allowing for fully-encrypted protection on up to five devices, whether you’re connected via Wi-Fi or cell signal. Their network of more than 400 servers in over 70 locations across the globe offers the full scope of their name: unlimited bandwidth on unlimited high speed connections.

On top of that, VPN Unlimited also gets you around all those nasty web content location restrictions, meaning you can watch your U.S. streaming services like Netflix and Hulu anywhere in the world — or view international content in your own home unfettered. There are even additional safety features to hide your identity in tightly-restricted web regions like China or Russia.

With this limited time offer, VPN Unlimited is total web peace of mind at a huge discount, a nearly $500 lifetime subscription available now for just $34 with the use of code: DIGITALWEEK15.

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Cloudflare launches free protection for election websites

News Article Courtesy Of » TNW Deals