Bing Chat now has 120 daily turns as Microsoft continues to expand its limits

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The last time Microsoft increased the daily chat turn limits for its Bing Chat service was back on February 24. At that time, the company increased the limits from 60 chat turns to 100 turns a day. Now Microsoft has quietly increased the daily turn limit to 120.

This reveal was made by Mikhail Parakhin, Microsoft’s head of Advertising and Web Services, on his Twitter account today. In a message about how Bing Chat had a brief “regression” in its per-session chat limits from eight to six, he also revealed the new 120 daily chat turn cap.

Parakhin also answered a few questions from Bing Chat users today. One user asked:

Can you shed any light on the length of document or webpage that Bing can process? It claims to have extensively read webpages but then appears to hallucinate contents beyond the first page or so.

In response, Parakhin stated:

Yes, that’s the context length increase I keep talking about. Hope to be able to share more in ~ a week.

That may be a clue that the Bing Chat team might be preparing for another major feature update for the chatbot in the near future.

Another user asked if Bing Chat could listen in to the audio track of a video. Parakhin replied that the chatbot is only text-based and cannot listen to audio at all, stating, ” . . . that would require Multimodal capabilities.” He did confirm that any text in a video could be read by Bing Chat. That includes “Transcripts, metatags, urls themselves (often descriptive), etc.”

News Article Courtesy Of John Callaham »